
Interview with Me at The Worldshapers

Ed Willett has just released an interview with me for his podcast The Worldshapers. I’ve known Ed for years, and I think it’s a great idea to interview SF writers about their creative process. He’s also managed to accumulate an impressive line-up of guests; I definitely recommend checking out the whole podcast series.


Yes, I now have a Patreon account, because all the other cool kids are doing it.

Seriously, a number of people have said they like to support authors more than just buying a copy of the latest book. So here’s where you can donate to my Patreon if you so choose:

Donate to Jim on Patreon

And if you donate, you’ll be automatically enrolled for my new monthly newsletter, featuring at least one lovely rabbit picture!

Tesseracts 20: Compostela

I recently co-edited Tesseracts 20: Compostela with Spider Robinson. The book is an anthology of contemporary science fiction and fantasy by Canadian writers, and it’s full of great stories.

Upcoming Appearances

  • Can-Con, Ottawa ON, Oct. 16-18, 2020